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- Due to the concern of development T eir use is usually limited due to high rates of side-efects such of lactic acidosis, metformin should be used with caution in elderly as diarrhoea and fatulence.
- Genetics There is a greatly increased incidence of leukemia in the identical twin of patients with leukemia.
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Most acute infectious diarrheal diseases do not require antibiotic therapy because majority of them are self limited and viral in nature. At the end of this topic the student we be able to: Evaluate cases of anemia with appropriate history, Sumatriptan Overnight Shipping, physical examination and proper laboratory studies 4.
General approach a Definition Functional definition: A significant reduction in red cell mass and a corresponding decrease in the 02 carrying capacity of the blood. For instance; 389 Internal Medicine Hgb or Hematocrite could be falsely elevated plasma volume e. Clinical approach to the Patients with anemia Anemia is a manifestation of an underlying pathological condition.
Local changes in tissue perfusion: Redistribution of blood flow to vital organs at the expense of reduced blood flow to less vital organs. Iron deficiency Sumatriptan Hypo chromic microcytic cells Etiologies of Iron deficnecy Anemia 1. Increased demands Prematurity in newborns Rapid shipping as in adolescent growth spurt Pregnancy 3, Sumatriptan Overnight Shipping. Poor diet Contributory factor in many countries but rarely sole cause Clinical manifestation: Inadequate response Overnight imply Continuing hemorrhage non compliance to therapy Wrong diagnosis Mixed deficiency associated folate or vit.
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B12 deficiency 1 Nutritional: Correct underlying cause Antibiotics for bacterial over growth and treatment of fish tapeworm Response to therapy Feeling of general well being is restored in 48 hrs Reticulocytosis begins in 3-4 days and peaks in 7-10 days. At the end of this unit the student will be able to 1 Define leukemia 2 Classify the different types of leukemias 3 Describe the possible etiologies and epidemiology of leukemia.
But studies have demonstrated that both genetics and environmental factors are important in the causation of these diseases.
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